Above the Law: revealing self-evidence of the insanity of humanity going against the laws of nature leading all the world to the society and environment we witness today. 

Above the Law; CRA/Taxes 

Only thing certain in life are death and taxes; it’s these kinds of slogans that help to facilitate a false belief that our taxes are the only way in which a society can exist. But there was a time when there were practically no taxes in Canada, [or most of the world] there was a time when government was competent self sustaining and accountable. Take for example, in the early days there was no such thing as inflation or income tax, though government still existed; built and maintained railways roads funded healthcare, police and military, and many other things. The point is, right up until good old government got subrogated [stolen through bribery] things were pretty good, there was no such thing as inflation until the late 1800’s when some politician thought inflation up as an excuse to remove accountability, starting a runaway train that may end all of humanity. 

Income Taxes were brought in during the Second World War to pay for the war machine; and did we ever, Canada had the third largest navy, and sent tons of material and men that made the difference to win the war. But after the war income tax remained in direct violation of CANADA’s constitution/law. But what most don’t know of government, is “they” make every war legal, indeed “they” make anything legal to the highest bidder; self-evident in CANADA’s government today as “they” change environmental laws to suit corporations needs, destroying the environment for generations to come in exchange for profit. “They”=those in breach of their oath, a crime in which will haunt them for all eternity as men with no honour. 

Another fine detail never taught in the public education system is that up until 1900’s there was no inflation, and up until the 1970’s no major national debt. It wasn’t until some more fraud was made “legal” called private banking interest, which was a change from borrowing from ourselves, [Bank of Canada] for practically no interest, to borrowing from private banks at high interest. A direct result of the UN sticking its nose in Sovereign Nation’s business, arbitrarily birthing the bastard rule of the New World Order as we witness today, bankrupting the world; called fraud by any other name. With this fraud came a new type of fraud called invisible debt, or debt that doesn’t exist in the real world to any real natural person, but only exists in fiction on a computer screen, or more specific as a “legal fiction”. Baffle any educated scholar by asking them where money comes from; though only a selected few insiders whom reap the rewards of this fraud, truly understand the money and debt are figments of fiction simply entered into a computer screen out of thin air, all made legal through government subrogation. 

Yet more fraud of government is Canada is the richest nation per capita, only fraud keeps every person from collecting $2500 month in dividends; our wealth of natural resources and farm land is second to none, yet homelessness hunger and humanity struggle to survive as the cost of living out paces living it’s self, indeed leaving many struggling just to survive. Yet because of the fraud within government that sells our resources at pennies on the dollar, corporations make record profits by self regulating the systematic rape and pillage of mother earth. Which is worse, the degradation of society or mother earth? Both are heinous crimes against humanity and all we as men are entrusted with.

It is because of these truths that many in Canada and indeed the world are standing up and saying NO, I will not be a part of government’s fraud and breach of public trust. Indeed, Out of the ashes of democracy a phoenix of consciousness is born; thousands of people are resisting, questioning, and educating themselves, standing up to government. In turn government makes the assault of peaceful upstanding members of communities all across this nation legal; steeling pensions, homes, seizing bank accounts and assets, shutting down businesses, corrupting the courts by legally changing justice by forcing the accused under threat and duress to prove their innocents in a world of fraud, contrary since the dawn of law that a man is innocent until proven guilty by his peers.  

Though take comfort in knowing progress is being made, we free men who understand we have a duty to stand up to tyranny and corruption, have took it upon ourselves at great risk to expose the fraud and crimes against humanity. In doing so, we have learned the ins and outs of the devil himself, exposing his vulnerable places. Slavery is legally abolished, yet the devil enslaves you to fill out their paper work for free in ignorance of this fact; so why not send them a contract? My time is my most valuable asset, so I charge them $500 hr to fill out their paper work, and I keep an office [closet in my home] that I charge $1000 a month for. Then when I do fill out their paper work, it reflects a legally binding contract that any crooked court cannot deny. In response they often send paper work with wild claims but no signatures, so if no one signs, then no one is taking responsibility and it is nothing but gibberish.  

Legally there are three things one can do anytime anyone sends you a demand for payment. One can ignore the paper work in which case legally one is agreeing to their claim, and they can take everything one owns; or one can deny the claim, which creates a dispute that leads to much pain and suffering. The final thing one can do, is CONDITIONALY ACCEPT their claim upon proof of claim. I agree and am more than happy to make full payment immediately in exchange for the original bill of exchange/contract delivered to me within 21 days, failure to respond must mean there was a mistake, resolving you of any legal obligations. This forces someone to take responsibility, someone has to sign under oath and penalty of perjury that I owe this amount and this is how it was created in reality [but in reality no one is willing to accept responsibility for their fraud]...not fiction. More often than not, government agents will make wild claims that are far greater than any alleged debt in order to intimidate. A kind of unlawful shock-and-aw campaign used against people who may only owe a few thousand, but are accused of owing a hundred thousand; it amounts to a breach of public trust as government operates ABOVE THE LAW! 

Sovereign Brian-Arthur of the Alexander Family. 


To the average person, shifting the tax burden from citizen to corporate is un heard of, people will scream bloody murder if you even suggest corporations pay for public transit, or health care. 


what most people fail to understand is; just like you are required to have a license to operate and insurance in case anything should happened. public servants and corporations require both a license and insurance, or what is called a bond. 

The fraud in the government is directly related to the fact that people in government are never held accountable, there are no police, imaging what it would be like on the roads if there were no police, or how many banks would get robbed if there were no consequences. 

when was the last time you heard a public servant be charged or get any reprimand for their actions; time and time again we hear of high profile politicians being caught with their hand in the tax payer's cookie jar only to simply repay and resign from one post to surface at another. 

Recently some of BC's tough drinking and driving legislation was found to be unconstitutional, many of convictions had been over turned; but two things happened that were above the law; first is whom ever dreamed up the legislation, was never held accountable; his insurance bond should be the one paying out for damages caused by his unconstitutional legislation. And that brings us to the second breach of trust; none of the victims who were humiliated and harmed from having a cop take their car away without due course of the law were paid, or reimbursed. 
Strange how no one noticed government acting ABOVE THE LAW!



What is law? Law is rules established for the good of the community out of necessity. Law could be Divine, Natural, Family, Municipal, Provincial, National, North American, Common Wealth, International; each having its own jurisdiction. Jurisdiction is who the law applies to, [lawee] but in order for a law to apply, the lawee must be acting within the prescribed jurisdiction. Each law has its prescribed jurisdiction, for instance your family’s law has the jurisdiction over family members, common property and geographic boundaries such as your house. In the old days each village had its own laws much like today’s city bylaw; but only a few which were posted at the entrance. Law was never meant to be complicated because not long ago the average person couldn’t hardly read or write, so by nature the laws had to be simple and few out of necessity. Such simple law has existed in its purest form ruling the world for thousands of years, right up until only a couple hundred years ago when law was subrogated by secret societies in a twist of treasonous fate leading the world to the sick society we witness today. Self-evident; every war is legal, everything Hitler did was legal, yet everything Schindler did was illegal. 

The Law recognized as having jurisdiction among the public was called common-law; a simple law whose foundation was based on everyone being 100% liable for their actions/inactions, furthermore everyone was presumed innocent until proven guilty. For there to be a crime, there first needed to be a victim who filed a complaint within public court. The court was over seen by the King/Queen who swore an Oath to God to be fair and just. In order to maintain a fair unbiased judgement, the accused had a trial by a jury of his peers, all having to come to same judgement based on the facts and a fair trial. Law stayed the same for literally hundreds of years, recorded in simple phases called maxims. Among the first recorded maxims was; “ignorance of the law is no excuse” meaning it was everyone’s responsibility to know the law. Next, “an injury needs to be expressed”, meaning someone needs to step forward to swear under oath and penalty of perjury that they or their property was harmed. Next, “your silence is your consent” and “fraud ceases to be fraud if it is accepted”; meaning if no one steps forward to claim damages, then it is not a crime, it becomes the opposite; you consent to it. These laws still enforce today, form the basis for what government governing society has made every war “legal”, including the one for your body mind and soul; ignorance of the law is no excuse; the highest jurisdiction every court in the world still recognizes today is God’s law. All other law established is based on God’s Laws.  

I don’t give legal advice so don’t believe me, this is merely my opinion. Go see for yourself; Start by watching Queen Elizabeth II Coronation, note the part H.M. swears an Oath to God to uphold God’s law, serving and protecting the people. Next read the Constitution “Act” of CANADA; a registered corporation contracted to serve the members of the public dwelling on the land commonly called Canada/Turtle Island. Educated scholars know every corporation has a charter forming the basis for its existence as a legal fiction/person, and its private laws that guide its action. Understand private law is not true law, but are merely codes acts and statutes that only have the force of law under the colour of law/contract. Start by reading the preamble thoroughly, working your way down paying special attention to section 32. explaining who the law applies too. [a corporation is a family much like any other, its rules only apply to its own family] Herein lies the trap by treasonous bastards because of what it doesn’t say; YOU are presumed to be a member of H.M. government because you voted, you took childcare benefits, welfare, tax incentives, filed for a drivers license, or a SIN number at the government’s request. It all started when the crooked government sneaked a contract to your parents at your birth without being giving full disclosure [fraud] via the above maxims to make it legal; signing away your rights to act independently. You are not a person you have a person; look at any of your government ID, any bills, all commerce is done in fiction today; hence the name is in all capitals, denoting Capitis Diminutio Maxima.

Fortunately if you read further down the Constitution, section 52. States that the constitution is the Supreme Law, and all law has to be in sync with the constitution. Any law that is not can lawfully and legally be ignored; in fact it is our duty to not only ignore unconstitutional legislation, but fight it and defend those who are not able to defend themselves from such enemies, both foreign and domestic. In short, the Constitution “Act” 1985 states all other forms of legislation MUST comply with laws laid out for the family of CANADA. Legally, “All laws of Canada are formally enacted by the Sovereign, [H.M.] by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons. Once both houses have approved a bill, it is presented for Royal Assent and becomes law.” [Gov web site] Each one of the three must first check that the legislation does not breach the Constitution before they pass it. However that is not what is being done today; instead legislation is tabled by the governing party which doesn’t bother to test it; instead each body acts in conflict of interest in collusion instead as an independent body meant to serve and protect society; made legal as the fox guards the chickens. In the end its left up to the judges to call gov bluff, but only after many of us have been harmed. 

Self-evident is the mandatory sentencing Harper/Hitler government waltzed out only to be struck down by judges after the fact. Self-evident is the harsh drinking driving legislation in BC Fiberals waltz out only to be found unconstitutional. These are only two of the many examples of laws already found to be unconstitutional; it doesn’t count the dozens of legislation rushed through yet to be found unconstitutional, and perhaps never will because few can afford justice today as its sold like good beef; only a privileged few can afford it. 

To add insult to injury, a group of extremely over paid smartass bureaucrats dream up BS legislation which they are never held accountable for because of the massive fraud within government. This only exacerbates the problems when these SOBs are never questioned or held accountable; understand each public servant is required to have both a license and insurance/bond to pay for damages much like auto insurance pays for your accidents. It also defines their scope of office so that there is a gauge of their competency and governor of their Ego. They are responsible for unconstitutional drinking statutes have caused untold millions in damages, perhaps ruining marriages n lives, but since no one ever holds them accountable, they get to do it all over again and again. Think of it as instead of damages coming out of the bureaucrats insurance/bond, which like you having a car accident and having your insurance rates increase and your competency questioned , the damages comes out of taxpayer’s pockets for the simple reason the fox is guarding the hen house. Imagine your neighbor is a terrible driver, gets into several accidents each year, but he gets to file the claims on YOUR insurance provider, so YOU pay more, and are blamed for his accidents. This is essentially what happens as public servants act ABOVE THE LAW! 

ABOVE THE LAW: Vaccines, government subjecting your child to bad science. 
There has been a fair amount of mainstream media propaganda about how Christians are responsible for the spreading of measles, and anyone not vaccinating their children is ignorant scum of the earth. This view is manifested from the biased report that one child from a devoted Christian family contracted measles, but this is the exception; all other out breaks have been in regular vaccinated public, and in fact over half of the cases have been in people who have already had vaccinations. Self-evident msm is subrogated by government acting as gods, only its gods with the mentality of a five year old playing with a loaded gun in a room full of people. 

In today’s day n age, there is no excuse for ignorance; simply google the topic and you will find the REAL truth. One of the first articles to come up is called “Vaccines can’t prevent measles outbreak”, which is an interview with the leading pro vaccine doctor in the world, Dr Gregory Poland who is the first to admit the truth; vaccines are not working. “Not only is he among the harshest and most outspoken critics of the “irrationality of the antivaccinationists,” he is also one of the strongest proponents for vaccines and the good that they can do.” Though as a government funded doctor, he is biased against science that proves vaccines could well be the cause for the huge spike in autism and other neurological diseases, but do you really need a PhD to figure out subjecting a baby to toxic poisons will lead to things like autism and AHD? 

Dr. Poland freely admits the vaccines are not working as he points out a study he wrote in his 2012 paper, listing the “surprising numbers of cases occurring in persons who previously received one or even two documented doses of measles-containing vaccine.” During the 1989-1991 U.S. outbreaks, 20% to 40% of those affected had received one to two doses. In a 2011 outbreak in Canada, “over 50% of the 98 individuals had received two doses of measles vaccine.” He is the first to admit that there are numerous outbreaks like polio measles and even plagues re-emerging due to viruses morphing into super bugs. He also points out that those vaccinated are among the first to be infected because their bodies have no natural immune defence.  

It is true that many people do not get their children vaccinated, but it’s not just people of faith who believe in letting God and natural law runs its course, but also many non religious people are doing their own research, keeping an open mind, are finding much evidence that vaccines are dangerous for young children’s developing mind. Yes the science can’t be denied that vaccines helped eradicate polio and other horrible diseases long ago, but today government medical gods act as if vaccines are the silver bullet, and therefore if one is good, then 30 or 40 must be great! Understand it’s not just the one measles vaccine, but the 30-40 vaccines a child is subjected to before they reach 18 that has people questioning government science. Common sense dictates that vaccines are useful, but how about holding off until the child is past 5, or 10, or even adult hood when the body if fully developed. More people die from the common cold than from the vaccinated diseases, ask yourselves why there are no outbreaks of disease in places like Russia who don’t vaccinate at all.  

Before a child is 6 it has minimum of 10 vaccines, several of those vaccines are within the first year. Herein lies the problem; a child in its infancy is very delicate, and growing at an immense rate. Vaccines are made up of poison elements such as mercury, lead, and other harsh compounds and weird DNA. Vaccines are NOT tested properly, its more of a trial and error with children being the guiney pigs. All too often this is the case; self evident in the dramatic rise in autism, also thousands of prescription drugs once approved by government gods regulatory bodies, only to be removed from circulation after leaving a trail of victims. Understand that government “thinks” it is god, and as god, they are accountable to no one, merely testing products on animals, then release it to be tested on the public without any real tests being done on humans. Government has all sorts of false fabricated science that conveniently gives them legal immunity, to act ABOVE THE LAW. 

ABOVE THE LAW: Chemo Kills 

Its true Cancer kills, but you might be surprised to find out the Chemotherapy kills more people than cancer it’s self. Several Studies indicate chemo kills 75% of today’s patients; ten years ago it was 97%. What’s more alarming is that there are dozens of treatments that have been proven to kill cancer and other horrible debilitating diseases yet are illegal. Doctors can lose their license for even mentioning any other treatments other than government pre approved; yet dozens of natural cures are demonized; things as simple as vitamin C injections, or baking soda and other natural alkalizing supplements, or food grade hydrogen peroxide, even marihuana is healing people on their death beds. Unfortunately the corporations cannot patent a natural cure, so they can’t make money off them, so they lobby government to keep alternative treatments out of the public system. 
Terry Fox would not be proud of what the cancer society and government is doing with his legacy, a legacy he started to raise awareness and gave his life for. Terry hated corporations and the marketing BS, he saw what was going on even back in his day, and he despised it. Yet the very same corporations have high jacked his legacy and made him their corporate poster child, indeed billions raised in Terry’s name in vain. Terry didn’t have to die; neither do thousands of other people with cancer; its but for two reasons; refusal to look at the causes of industrial diseases, and the refusal to allow natural remedies to be acknowledged. Regardless of billions and trillions raised, cancer rates have doubled, and even tripled since Terry died, yet they blame cigarettes even though smoking has dramatically decreased to a point it’s practically extinct. What has increased in the industrial revolution of pollution for profit.

Natural cures have re-evolved because of people losing faith in government and courageously stepping outside of the box government puts us in to look at the facts; Fact is cancer is a fungus that thrives in an acidic environment, though cancer and most other debilitating diseases cannot survive in an alkaline environment. [have you checked your PH?] As a result of the corporate world industrial diseases caused by unnatural fossil fuel/mining industry acidifying our environment; even the oceans are dying from acidification. Do you really need a PhD to see simple truth? Corporations don’t want cures; they only want to treat symptoms so that you keep needing expensive pills and hospital drills to keep you alive just long enough to fill you full of expensive corporate cures. Corporate cures are cures that are not natural and do more damage than good, curing a small percentage of patients while putting people though hell. Chemo destroys the immune system so that patients can’t fend off common viruses, people end up dying from the common cold. 

Self evidence; ask yourself why “they” never look for the cause of diseases, instead billions, perhaps trillions given to corporations focused only on finding corporate cures, cures that can be patented and sold like good beef; most can’t afford it. Has any gov or corporate body ever considered looking into why and what is the cause of the epidemic of industrial diseases plaguing society; each year more and more people are getting sick with cancer, ALS, MS and a whole host of similar diseases. The simple answer is no, they will NEVER look for a cause, for if the cause is found in a court of law, then that would mean the ones polluting the air water food and land would be open to a law suit that would bankrupt them in a heartbeat. So in the interest of corporate greed and the evil agenda of profit, government and corporations looks the other way. Meanwhile cancer and every other disease keeps climbing at a shocking rate as Government and corporations are ABOVE THE LAW.  
By sovereign Brian-Arthur more information @ sovereignsolidarity.com 


NOTICE: nothing on this page is legal advice, or health advice, I am neither a lawyer or a doctor; anything you do is your own responsibility to research and seek legal advice from an attorney at law and medical advice from a doctor. Use at your own risk.