Throughout time there have been men and women who have lead by example in ways that are wise, peaceful, and serve as an example to each of us who struggle to learn from lifes delicate lessons learnt overtime. [term: man/men includes woman/womb-man]
League of Extraordinary Gentleman 
Who are our teachers, who do we learn what is right and wrong from, what works, and how to go about affecting change, learning who we are and the power and authority Man has as an individual? 

In our awakening it is essential to learn history, learning about extraordinary men and women who overcame injustices through peace and love. They teach us who we are, how we can deal with injustices through peace and the authority they demonstrated each of us has if we just have the courage to step forward.  

Undisputedly God [Our creator] is the ultimate Extraordinary Gentleman; In what ever form one worships the original and true God, It is In God's Grace all things are possible, and it is by the Grace of God that all things exist. From God all other gentlemen are born and inspired to live in love. In our awakening we learn God alone is the ultimate Authority over everything on this earth.

Every King and Queen, every Public Servant swears an Oath to God on their Soul, whether they know it or not their Soul is is being marked with every act they do, and so is every man and woman on earth; take comfort in knowing no matter what people get away with here on earth, there is a final court date for each of us. 

An Oath to God is the Ultimate contract to "Do No Harm".

People have been duped into selling their Souls, breaking the contract to "Do No Harm" thinking that an "immunity act" or insurance indemnification will cover the liability.  In the end what every man or woman thinks they gets away with on earth, there is a final court date for each of us. Reminding Public Servants of this fact often has positive affects. 

Equally extraordinary is Jesus Christ, the son of God, born of flesh and blood; a physical link between the natural and super-natural worlds. None, not even an atheist can deny the existence of Jesus Christ no more than he deny Bobby Ore existed in all his glory. In fact most true religions recognize and value Jesus in all his wisdom and love. 

Jesus was arrested in the dead of the night by cops much the same way we see Canadian governments arresting people in the dead of the night, corrupt government held biased court much like Trudeau did during truckers convoy, things haven't changed much in 2200 years, and its sad how evil has dominated this world to the extent it does today, bc we have everything we need, there is no reason other than treason why there shouldn't be peace on earth, why everyone shouldn't have a home with decent food and life. 

"The first step in dealing with a problem is recognizing the problem"

we need to recognize the Evil that is dominating this world and dimension in order to deal with it, not through violence like they want us to...but Love will overcome all Evil...and this fact scares the shit out of them... we saw this with the Truckers Convoy this 2022 where there was nothing but LOVE. Love is the silver bullet "they" fear.

From these two Gentlemen, all others are inspired, men of conscious who think outside of the box of society norms, gentlemen who lead instead of follow, lead not with force or intimidation, not with war, but in peaceful ways, ways which draws others to them. It is these two gentlemen who fill us with the desire and will to do anything at any cost for that which is right. 

Gentlemen who live on; immortalized in their acts of valor and wisdom that has a lasting effect forever in the hearts and minds of all mankind. Gentlemen who act for righteousness and what is good, those who stand up in the face of evil to defeat evil as it should be. It is only through their will that they conquered evil and tyranny; willing to go to jail, willing to be beaten, willing to suffer the consequences of going against the grain and might of tyranny even though it cost them dearly in personal pain.

It is these extraordinary men and women who we must not fail to learn from, let us embrace their wisdom and learn from their teachings so that we may strike down hate, hunger, sickness, homelessness, war, and tyranny that plagues the world of free will. we must be willing to act, and act we will, for its is our will that brings change, God Willing.

Pope John Paul II is very extraordinary gentleman who inspires me greatly; not knowing much about him or the Catholic church as an i was raised agnostic.  I watched a documentary on Pope John Paul; He was born in Poland, and lived through world war two, doing what he could to help and save lives, getting an education in humanity firsthand that no university degree could ever match. Later he became Pope, [vicar of Christ] as such he lead by example, and did a very good job leading the world's Christians by his examples. Inspiring so many [including me] to put their faith and hope in God and remind people how important it is to follow God and God's laws, often even above man's laws. 

Above man's laws; Often times government can be to aggressive, as absolute power corrupts absolutely. After the war, Poland was thrown into communism, a foreign dictatorship ruled with an iron fist. Though with the inspiration of Pope John Paul II, as Jesus would have done himself, waded into communist clutches of red Poland against governments wishes, knowing the Authority he represented as the Vicar of Christ; showing leadership and courage, reminding people that sometimes one needs  to follow God's laws rather that man's laws. It was through the inherent power of God's law that the people peacefully over threw communism in Poland, which eventually lead to the whole house of cards of staunch communism falling in Russia. 

The second extraordinary thing Pope John Paul II did was during this uprising of consciousness, some Dark Powers wanted to take the Pope out, so they hired a hit man. The Pope's security got wind of this plot to assassinate him. They informed the Pope, and told him he could not go out in the public to perform Mass and greet the millions who were rallying around the Popes inspiration. John Paul told them that nothing was going to stop him from performing his duty, that he would fear no evil; "all things were as God wills it", and it would be fine if it was his time to go, if not then God would protect him. That night John Paul went to the people, and indeed there was an assassin who shot John Paul, though as John Paul predicted, God protected him, the bullet an inch away from his heart, he made a full recovery. 

They caught the assassin, later John Paul visited him in jail, and of course forgave and blessed him. 

I was born without a religion, in my twenties I started Questioning God and religion, so I decided to put God to the test; Pope John Paul II's action and faith helped me understand how faith and God are valid.  There is so much to love and learn about God. Pope John Paul II taught me that and so much more; men like him are few and far between, a truly extraordinary gentleman who lives on forever in his teachings and grace.  

Martin Luther King Junior is the epitome of Courage, truly an Extraordinary man who made a conscious decision to not accept the injustices of his time, but also make the conscious decision to fight using only morals and Love to overcome the Evil and hate that boiled in the United States. Unfortunately Martin Luther King Junior's love was such a threat to government they had him assassinated; 1989 the King family won a court case in which it was indeed determined that the CIA murdered Martin.  "the greatest purveyor of violence, mine own government"

Today there are people who want to surround court houses and Parliament, some with weapons, others with defensive shields; but this is what "they" want to justify violence. We must take a page from MLK, just show up, allow them to hit us or run us over with horses; always let them bring the violence fraud corruption, never respond with anything but love and the law.  

Gandhi is another Extraordinary Gentleman who left his mark on the world through his love for his fellow man. Fighting overwhelming odds and violence using only nonviolence, proving you don't have to be a tyrant to fight a tyrant. Again, Gandhi was also murdered.  [officially called assassinated but you and I know it was murder]

my favorite quote from Gandhi "those who believe religion and politics aren't connect don't understand either" 

people need to understand religion and politics and law are verbs, their actions we live with everyday, each defines and affects the other. 

Lysander Spooner is not so well known, though he was a founding father of the early United States in his own way, he was an Extraordinary Gentleman; Lysander was awake to the fraud and Dark Powers within the government of his time,  battling them the best he could; a man definitely worth knowing and learning his accomplishments.